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The Boys Of Aarughat clinches title

The Boys Of Aarughat clinches title


The Boys of Aarughat clinches the title of Aarughat Gold Cup 2072. The boys of Aarughat beats Himalayan church FC by 3-1 in the final played today at aarughat bajar Gorkha.

Chief guest Parliment Member Chinkaji Shrestha Distributed the Prize to the Winning and Runner up. Aarugaht bags Rs 55,555  Gold cup trophy, Medal and certificate and Himalayan Church gets Rs 33,333 trophy medal and certifiacte.

Saroj Shrestha of Aarughat is adjusted the MVP.

Sampurna Pradhan of Aarughat is Adjusted Best Goal keeper.

Biplov Gautam of Aarughat is the High Scorer.

All of them receive Rs 2000 and trophy.

Aarugaht Youth club organizes the tournament in which all together 19 teams take part.